Seabuckthorn - The Bright 'Holy Berry'  of the Himalayas

Seabuckthorn - The Bright 'Holy Berry' of the Himalayas

Seabuckthorn is a small & unsuspecting deciduous shrub , usually growing between 2-4 metres in height. Its branches bear single, thick and oily ,silvery oval-shaped leaves , much like a small olive leaf. Its unmistakable, much-loved berries are a vibrant golden-orange colour, as are the oils and juices extracted from the seeds and fruits of the potent berries.

The seabuckthorn shrub is native to cold-temperate regions across Asia and Europe, where it has long been recognized and employed in tradtional medicine systems. Its hardy & extensive root systems allow it a diverse range of habitat. It can thrive at extreme high altitudes or along sea cliffs , along riverbeds or mountaintops, sometimes dominating the flora or sometimes thriving among mixed vareities of other trees & shrubs . The plant can withstand extemely cold temperature drops and minimal water intake , specialities that make it a favourite for cultivation in the "cold desert" regions on the roof of the world , for instance the Ladakh and Spiti regions of the upper Himalayas of India.

China now plants the world's largest scale seabuckthorn crops, not only for berry production, but as a regenerative ecological initiative - it's deep roots , which are well suited to sandy & salty growth ,protect soil erosion , reversing desertification of those lands and inviting birds and small mamals. Seabuckthorn also has Nitrogen-fixing property and encourages an increase in the moisture content of soil , so it's planting has led to the regeneration of many partially desertified regions across the globe , restoring vegetation & life and lastly providing wider commercial agricultural oppurtunity to inhabitants of harsh and inhospitable landscapes, through the cultiavtion and harvest of it's fruits.

It's Latin name is "Hippophae rhamnoides" - here hippophae meaning ' shining horse', as it wad said that the ancient Greeks used to feed the berry to horses as a health supplement which gave their coat an immense shine. Its manifold uses in traditional medicine have long been documented in all corners of the world. The ancient book of Tibetan healing 'Sibu Yidian' ,discusses the uses of seabuckthorn extensively, as well as its vast documentation in ancient Chinese, Indian & European pagan folk medicine traditions - the berry can be found documented under hundreds of different regional & colloquial names ,throughout centuries.
Now in modern times, its potent and unique health properties are again becoming well-known, not only in medicine,beauty, cosmetics and natural health supplements ,but its modern applications even include uses such as a health tonic for army personelle posted in inhospitable locations and a tonic to protect cosmonauts from radiation!

The small & vibrant fruits of seabuckthorn are said to be one of the most nutritionally complex berries in the world-let us discuss some of the rarer compounds inside this wonder-fruit that earn it timeless and widespread appreciation ..

Seabuckthorn's history of being taken internally as an immune booster is due to it's high levels of antioxidants, flavanoids & vitamins. In many harsh landscapes, preserved seabuckthorn products such as jams and squashes are invaluable as a source of vitamins in winter months when vegetation & fresh crops are sparse. Recent studies have shown that seabuckthorn strengthens the body's defense against a range of illness-ranging from the common cold to herpes and HIV virus.
It is an effective therapy for those with type 2 diabetes, having a high hypo-glycemic potential and reducing blood glucose while boosting the body's insulin production .
Seabuckthorn is packed with all-important omegas. The vibrant orange seabuckthorn berry oil is high in palmitoleic acid -an omega-7 fatty acid rarely obatained from plant sources - sea buckthorn oil is one of the only plant-based sources of this unsaturated fatty acid.
It has also been found to substantially reduce the harmful cholestorol levels in the body.

Palmitoleic acid, along with other fatty acids, can help to lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and improve overall cardiovascular health ,as well as being essential for skin health & known to treat chronic dryness, burns , wounds, scars & marks ,irriatation/ excema and psoriasis . The fruit's omega-6 speeds up cell regeowth and omega-9 lends powerful emolient qualities.
The pale golden seabuckthorn seed oil contains a higher concentration of omega-3 . The seed's oil is known to reduce wrinkles , pigmentation issues, is a natural anti-inflammatory and tackles roughness and redness of skin . The pressed fruit and seed oil yeild a special balance of essential fatty acids which is rare to find through plant sources. It is these fatty acids that are an effective remedy for acne , used both internally and topically.
It's flavanoid content protects from the UV rays of the sun and tackles photo-aging of skin , another known benefit to populations living in high-altitude regions where the sun's rays are more concentrated.
Modern research and medicinal trials have repeatedly echoed the knowledge of the ancient Chinese & Tibetan medicine systems ,who used sea buckthorn to protect heart and reverse liver damage , as well as using it to treat various infammatory diseases.
It is one of the highest fruit sources of vitamin C- essential vitamin for boosting immunity and the the pre-cursor to collagen and elastin production in skin. Vitamin E content is also high - an important antioxidant for disease prevention , skin and hair health & combating environmantal stressors the body faces. Oxidation invites symptoms of aging , cancerous growth & arthritis.
In pharmacological terms , the effects of sea buckthorn's properties are i anti-oxidative, anti-microbial, anti-atherogenic ,anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, radioprotective, and tissue regenerative, and across countless studies, its usage rarely yeilds any adverse side effects in human test subjects.
It is no wonder that sea buckthorn is nowadays praised as a "miracle fruit", its list of health benefits are manifold , right from supporting the body's innermost mucosal mebranes such as the digestive tract - right to the nourishment and repair of the outermost layers of the skin .

Depending on the treatment, seabuckthorn can be administered in many ways, the fruit's pulp can taken orally as concentrate extract, pressed juices, preserved in syrup, suspended in a tasty squash drink, jellies and jams , or boiled decoctions of the dried berries, taken as tea. The pure oil can be taken internally or found in capsule form
As a topical skin treatment for dryness, aging, scars, pigmentation, excema, psoriasis, acne or just as a poweful moisturizer, pure seabuckthorn fruit & seed oil can be applied to skin on a regular basis. Due to its heavy nature , pure seabuckthorn oil is not recommended as a daily moisturizer. We advise either mixing pure seabuckthorn oil with a lighter carrier oil , or using the oil as a wash-off mask bi-weekly.
Check out our daily products *here* - pure & high-quality seabuckthorn is a favourite ingredient at Aranyakam & a key component in our radiance serum & anti-aging Neroli moisturizer.

If consuming seabuckthorn internally, always check ingredients & look for pure and unadulterated products without added artificial preservatives. Many health supplements on the market today are not trustworthy so look for acclaimed brands who adhere to ethical and pure produce .

Real seabuckthorn products are not cheap due to it's particular habit and laboursome harvesting procedures- the small berries take hours to harvest as the bright fruits are nestled within brackets of sharp , dense thorns. Yet within India ,using seabuckthorn as a 'superfood' supplement is an ethical
choice, supporting egological diversity & smaller, rural mountainous communities-and reducing airmiles and carbin footprint, compared to ordering costly ,exotic superfood supplements from overseas.
We encourage you to experience the wonders of the revered seabuckthorn berry for increased health, energy, longevity and vitale.

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